I Hate Nite Owl

This has been bugging me for a month and resurfices as I am writing a paper on Graphic Novels.

A lot of people don't like Watchmen for one reason or another. Either because the only girl in the movie was a chauvinistic outrage, or the super heroes weren't very super hero like, or the story was just bad. I hate Watchmen because of the character, Nite Owl.

Nite Owl, like many men do, has masculinity issues. He's only able to get laid when he's in costume. He uses the money his Corporate banker father gives him in order to fund his super hero agenda. And he doesn't do anything useful in the entire story except bust Rouchach out of jail, which didn't do anything anyways... (don't want to spoil the ending).

Maybe it's that I don't like Corporate Bankers especially in these ecnomic times, maybe it's because I think that grown men have to grow out of childish super hero fetishes, or maybe it's because I don't like the way rich white people use their power to secure women, but I do not like Nite Owl.

Good Nite.

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